Welcome to "the Gift Shop"

Heya! Yall can call me Gallium, or J, and I am the writer/programmer behind the Aldarch Manor.

I was interested in making a personal project where I could both write random things, use some of the web-dev skills I have recently learned, and not be presured by deadlines or the largeness of the project

I don't know if/when I'll ever be done working on this, so that'll be fun to find out as we go.

Beyond that, welcome to the neighborhood, and if you need me I'm always just down the street

Current Brainrots

  • This place, of course, i've got tons of ideas of where this could go, but from there, who knows!
  • Dnd. I've got a campaign going, and may steal from there to make some areas of the maze
  • a variety of video games, from Risk of Rain (both returns and 2), to Chess Evolved Online (would recomend)